Sunday, June 19, 2011

Prepared Motions JOVED 2011 UGM

This has just been posted on Indodebaters. 
- THW implement Afro as a single currency for Africa
- THW grant ECB the rights to veto the government budget of EU member states
- THW eliminate offshore financial center

Environment and Animal Welfare
- THBT energy companies of developed countries operating in developing countries should follow the environmental standards of their countries of origin
- THW oblige any products to show their environmental costs to the consumers
- THBT the UN should adopt UDAW

International Issues
- THW prefer multilateral party to bilateral for settling the dispute of Preah Vihear Temple hinterland
- THBT the West Bank Barrier should be dismantled in order to attain peace between both conflicting parties
- THBT India should save itself the trouble and let Kashmir go

Science and Technology
- THBT Road Pricing in urban cities brings more harm than good
- THW endorse software programs protection with patent instead of copyright
- THBT EU should allow any food products to be irradiated

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